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Facts about Statue of Unity

1. The Statue of Unity has a viewing gallery at 135 metres, which can accommodate up to 200 visitors at a time and offers an expansive view of the dam and the surrounding beautiful mountain ranges of Satpuda and Vindhyachal.

2. The diameter of the button on the vest of the Statue is 1.1 metre.

3. The thickness of the bronze cladding on the Statue is 8 mm.

4. 70,000 metric tonnes of cement was used in the construction of Statue of Unity.

5. The height of the toe of the Statue of Unity measures 3.6 metre.

6. The Statue of Unity depicts Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel (1875–1950), a leading figure in the nonviolent Indian Independence Movement and the first Deputy Prime Minister/ Home Minister of Independent India.

  7. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel is highly respected for his leadership in uniting the 562 princely states of India to form the Union of India.

  8. The Statue of Unity is the world's tallest statue, with a height of 182 metres (597 feet) which is almost double the height of the Statue of Liberty, USA.

  9. The Statue of Unity was built in just 46 months.

  10. Statue of Unity is capable of withstanding wind velocity up to 50 metre/second (180 kilometre/hour speeds) and vibration.

  11. The statue has been designed for seismic Zone IV as an earthquake resistant structure.

  12. 6,000 metric tonnes of structural steel and 18,500 metric tonnes of reinforcement bars were used to build the Statue of Unity.

12. Statue of Unity is designed by Indian sculptor Ram V. Sutar

Facts of SOU statue-of-unity