Statue of Unity Packages Online Booking

Online package booking for statue of unity sightseeings & Tour Packages

Unique hotels & resorts

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Most Luxurious Resort near Statue of Unity

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  • Booking Confirmation at only 20% advance payment
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  • Award Winning Team at your service
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About Us

AB Tours and Travel is one of the leading DMC for Gujarat Tourism based in Ahmedabad. Our organization is dedicated to deliver extraordinary service standards for the highest customer satisfaction. To achieve and maintain this, we evaluate and upgrade our management and service delivery constantly with qualified and highly dedicated team. Our vision is to provide a healthy work culture to our employees, provide quality services to our clients 

We have divisions for Tour packages, Hotel Booking, Transportation services, Safari packages, etc.

AB Tours and Travel have started the journey in 2013 with solo entrepreneur. In the time of almost a decade of our efforts, we could achieve many mile stones and sucess in the segments like Rann Utsav tourpackages, Statue of Unity tour packages, wildlife tourism etc. Our Agency is accredited by Gujarat Tourism, Govt of Gujarat & Ministry of Tourism, Govt of India.  

We offer the best on our highly rated visit groups to clients who pick our organizations again and again. Could we remind you to be sure that we don't anticipate being your visit and travel subject matter experts; we try to be your excursion accessories forever and always.




Gujarat Tourism - Recognition Certificate