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Butterfly Garden

The Butterfly Garden along the banks of Narmada river, makes it an attractive spot to appreciate the assortment of these flying jewels. The garden harbours more than 70 species of butterflies. The garden is covering 10 acres of area with 150 species of nectar plants and larval host plants. Special care has been taken in the landscaping of the park to support the diversity of butterfly species.

The Butterfly Garden has been developed in a way to create an environment that attracts butterflies and gives them a habitat to proliferate. Since butterflies feed on the nectar of flowers, there are hundreds of flowering plants that will provide them with food.

There are also suitable places for them to lay eggs and host plants for caterpillars to thrive. Walk through this beautifully designed park to get close view of stunning butterflies.

Things to do at Butterfly Garden:

  • Explore different butterfly species that inhabits the garden.
  • Identify the plant species and learn about their unique features.
  • Observe the preferences of each species for its specific nectar plant and larval host plant.
  • Look for the species gathering around the puddling area and certain sap/alkaloid producing plants.
  • Location: Statue of Unity, Gujarat 393155, India
  • Operational Hours: 09:00Hrs to 17:00Hrs